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V Rising: All Servant Types Explained

We will go over all of the different types of Servants in V Rising so you can better utilize them to gain more loot and resources.

V Rising: All Servant Types Explained
Stunlock Studios

One of the many amazing features of V Rising is the ability to subjugate humans to do your bidding as Servants or Prisoners. As you steadily build up your Castle, your reign also increases, allowing you to command your very own army of Servants that will do your every bidding. 

You can send Servants to gather resources, go on Hunts, and all sorts of various tasks that will allow you to progress further into the game and upgrade your character. In V Rising, it is crucial to optimize your gameplay to ensure that you have enough resources and tools to help you advance your objectives and become stronger as you start exploring the open world and battle tougher opponents.

With that being said, we will take a look at all of the different Servant types in V Rising so you can make full use of the arsenal of different subjugated humans at your disposal.

V Rising All Servants Explained
Stunlock Studios



All Servant Types in V Rising

V Rising Servant Types
Stunlock Studios

Currently, V Rising has two perks of distinguishing the different types of Servants in the game. Servants have both a Blood Type and Faction they belong to. These perks provide different benefits when going on hunts. 

NOTE: To send Servants on hunts, you will need to have built a Castle Throne. 

There are different types of Hunts in the game depending on your desired resource, area, and time spent hunting. 

V Rising Servants Blood Types

Blood Types offer different kinds of difficulty reduction when Servants go on hunts. 

Blood Type Servant Perk Description
Worker Humble Appearance -100 Difficulty when infiltrating settlements.
Scholar Sacred Resistance -100 Difficulty when hunting in areas protected by the elements
Brute Tenacious Strength -100 Difficulty when hunting in harsh environments
Rogue Tracking Expertise -100 Difficulty when hunting in areas inhabited by creatures and demons
Warrior Military Tactics -100 Difficulty when hunting in fortified areas



V Rising Servants Faction Types

V Rising Servant Types
Stunlock Studios

These perks offer more loot upon successful hunts, depending on the location you send your Servants to. This can come in handy when trying to determine whether some hunts are worth pursuing, as Servants can take damage so you need to decide if the rewards outweigh the risks. 

NOTE: Since perks do not stack in V Rising, it is wise to send groups of various types of Servants to maximize your efficiency. 

Since the Blood Type perk reduced the difficulty of each hunt, the Faction perk gives you more loot if your hunt is successful. 

Faction Servant Perk Description
Farbane Woods Farbane Hunter  +20% more loot from Farbane Woods hunts.
Dunley Farmlands Dunley Farmlands Hunter  +20% more loot from Dunley Farmlands hunts.
Cursed Forest Cursed Forest Hunter  +20% more loot from Cursed Forest hunts.
Silverlight Hills Silverlight Hunter  +20% more loot from Silverlight Hills hunts.
Gloomrot Gloomrot Hunter  +20% more loot from Gloomrot hunts.
Ruins of Mortium Ruins of Mortium Hunter  +20% more loot from Ruins of Mortium hunts.

And that is everything you need to know about the different Servant types in V Rising. If you seek to expand your legion of Servants and are in dire need of resources, then make sure to utilize your Servants to further expand your control over the world. 
