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WoW Patch 10.2.5 Hotfixes to Classes and Dungeons: January 23, 2024

We will be taking a look at all of the hotfixes that were added to World of Wacraft Dragonflight

WoW Patch 10.2.5 Hotfixes to Classes and Dungeons: January 23, 2024

The latest patch in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, Seeds of Renewal, saw some major changes to the game as a new system was introduced called Follower Dungeons that allows players to team up with NPC characters and run Dragonflight dungeons so players can try out a new role or learn the basic dungeon mechanics.

A lot of class changes were introduced as well so that more specs are more viable. With that being said, Blizzard also introduced hotfixes following the class tuning so we will be taking a look at all of the changes to Patch 10.2.5 in the January 23rd, 2024 hotfixes.

January 23 Hotfixes WoW
Blizzard Entertainment



WoW Patch 10.2.5 Class Changes

A couple of classes had some helpful changes that resolved issues with core abilities. 

Paladin Changes

Holy Paladin

Holy Paladin

Righteous Judgment


Righteous Judgment

  • Fixed an issue that caused Consecrations from Righteous Judgment to be despawned by new Consecrations.
Blessing of Autumn


Blessing of Autumn

  • Fixed an issue that caused Blessing of Autumn to not reduce the cooldown of Avenging Wrath.

Warlock Changes

Demonology Warlock

Demonology Warlock

Spiteful Reconstitution


Spiteful Reconstitution

  • Fixed an issue where Wild Imps summoned by Spiteful Reconstitution would fixate on far away targets.



WoW Patch 10.2.5 Dungeon Changes

A lot of balance changes to dungeons this time around.


Dawn of the Infinite: Rise of Murozond

  • Valow, Timesworn Keeper health reduced by 16%.
  • Lerai, Timesworn Maiden health reduced by 16%, and Ancient Radiance recast time increased.
  • Spurlok, Timesworn Sentinel health reduced by 16%, and Shrouding Sandstorm's recast time increased.
  • Tyr, the Infinite Keeper Radiant Barrier damage absorb reduced by 15%.
  • Infinite Riftmage health reduced by 10%, and Infinite Burn recast time increased.
  • Time-Lost Battlefield Battle Senses / Thirst for Battle damage reduced by 20%, and Bladestorm movement reduction increased from 33% to 50%.
  • Chrono-Lord Deios Temporal Breath initial damage reduced by 16%, and damage-over-time effect reduced by 14%.
  • Infinite Keeper health reduced by 10%, and Chronal Burn damage reduced by 15%, and Infinite Blast damage reduced by 10%.

WoW Patch 10.2.5 PvP Changes

  • Resolved an issue causing the Mettle effect from Infurious Warboots of Impunity, Infurious Footwraps of Indemnity, Infurious Boots of Reprieve, and Infurious Binding of Gesticulation to not trigger when interrupting spells.
Shaman Icon


Infurious Boots of Reprieve


Infurious Boots of Reprieve 

  • Resolved an issue causing the Mettle effect from Infurious Boots of Reprieve to grant less stats than intended when triggering the effect using Earthgrab Totem and Capacitor Totem.
