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WoW SoD Phase 4: Priest Runes and Locations Guide

In this guide, we will take a look at all of the new Priest runes that were added in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 as well as their locations. 

WoW SoD Phase 4: Priest Runes and Locations Guide

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is now live, and a lot of players are busy collecting the new runes for their class. This time around, most classes get up to 3 new runes for the final phase of SoD so players will not have to invest that much time into getting their much-needed endgame powerups. With that in mind, we have gathered all of the Priest runes and how you can obtain them in this guide. 


WoW SoD Phase 4 Priest Runes

WoW SoD Phase 4 Priest Runes

Here are all of the new Priest Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:

Binding Heal Rune

Here is the Binding Heal Priest rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:

  • You will need to start a quest from a faction-specific NPC:
  • Horde Lost Heirloom - Dietrich Praice, Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar, /way 35.8 87.2
  • Alliance Lost Heirloom - High Priestess Laurena, Stormwind Cathedral, Stormwind City, /way 38.8 26.6
  • You will then have to go to Western Plaguelands to retrieve 3 relics in the Sorrow Hill Crypt /way 54 79
  • Family Heirloom - /way 54.8 81.2. Enter the crypt and go left, go downstairs and it's on the right in a small alcove
  • Family Records - /way 53.8 80.2. Bottom of the crypt, in the bookshelf on the right
  • Survivor Journal - /way 54.1 80.7. Bottom of the crypt on a table to the left
  • After that, you will pick up the Relic of Light quest that will direct you to Heartglen to retrieve a book located in the town hall on the podium
  • After that, you will receive the Scarlet Research quest that will have you go to Tyr's Hand and enter the bell tower /way 83.6 78.2 
  • On the top floor, you will find a locked box that will give you a quest The Prize Within which will have you kill mobs to get a key to unlock it
  • Once you loot the box, return to your quest giver to get the Jubilant Epiphany 

Tip: You can have a Rogue pickpocket the mobs for the keys and you can also get the Holy Specialization Ring rune whilst at Tyr's Hand.

Soul Warding Rune

Here is the Soul Warding Priest rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:

Vampiric Touch Rune

Here is the Vampiric Touch Priest rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:

And that covers all of the new Priest Cloak Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. Best of luck on your journey, Champions of Azeroth!
