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TFT Set 10: Best Items Tier List in Patch 14.3

We ranked all items in TFT Set 10 Patch 14.3 from best to worst so you know which ones will help you excel in your TFT ranked games.

TFT Set 10: Best Items Tier List in Patch 14.3
Riot Games

Patch 14.3 just arrived in TFT Set 10 and made some changes to the items. We ranked all items based on their performance so far in TFT Set 10 and the new changes in the meta. Find out which items will be the most efficient for your gameplay. 

TFT Set 10: Best Items Patch 14.3



S-Tier Items


The combination of Bramble Vest, Dragon's Claw, and Warmog's Armor remains an incredible choice for any tank. The stats and effects outshine any other tank items. 

Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, and Titan's Resolve are great for almost all AD units. Guinsoo's Rageblade is the core for most of the ranged AD carries.

We see a lot of top-tier comps use AP casters as carries. Jeweled Gauntlet and Spear of Shojin are core for most of them. Advertisement

A-Tier Items


Those are overall good items that are always good making. Some of them are core 3rd items for carries and tanks alike. 



B-Tier Items




Statikk Shiv

  • Damage increased: 30 ⇒ 35
  • Radiant damage increased: 70 ⇒ 80




Runaan's Hurricane

  • Bolt AD damage percent increased: 50% ⇒ 55%
  • Radiant Bolt AD damage percent increased: 100% ⇒ 110%

We expect Statikk Shiv and Runaan's Hurricane to move from C to B Tier thanks to their buffs in Patch 14.3.


C-Tier Items


Those are highly situational items worth making only against specific enemies.Advertisement

D-Tier Items


Zed and Olaf's buffs in Patch 14.3 might lead to an increase in the popularity of Edge of Night but for now, it cannot replace any of the stronger items like Bloodthirster.

Make good use of this list in your TFT Set 10 games! Here are some more articles to help you climb ranks in TFT Patch 14.3:
