Season of Discovery is slowly making a comeback as the devs launched the Phase 4 PTR for players to test out and of course, for Wowhead to data mine. Recently, all of the promised weapon specialization runes were discovered so that no class feels left behind in terms of weapon skills, but it seems we will also be getting some other great additions.
Keep in mind, that all of the listed runes are subject to change. The Blizzard devs tweak and adjust content according to player feedback, but it is still amazing to see such quality-of-life changes to WoW Vanilla which is in tune with the Season of Discovery experience. With that being said, we will take a look at all of the new runes that were datamined in the WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR.

WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR: BoA Ring Runes
All of the ring runes below will showcase how each class will gain access to weapon specializations, without being limited to adhering to racial traits and loot priority. To make up for the lack of weapons available to certain classes, the devs seem to be adding slight bonuses to the magic schools that will increase DPS.
Weapon Ring Runes
Spell Hit Ring Runes
Other Skill Ring Runes
And that covers all of the rings that were datamined by Wowhead so far. Hopefully, Phase 4 of Season of Discovery will revive the community as a lot of players have either returned to retail or are busy raiding in Cataclysm Classic. Another neat thing about these ring runes is that they are bind on account, meaning that you will only need to unlock them once so your alts can rejoice.
Certainly, more information will be unveiled during the PTR as the devs are busy changing the end-game content to make it more accessible and fun for players looking to just enjoy their time trying out new abilities and items.