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WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4: Will There be New Incursion Events?

We will take a look at everything we know so far about the upcoming release of World of Warcraft SoD Phase 4.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4: Will There be New Incursion Events?

Despite the fact that much of the community has shifted to playing World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic, there is still a dedicated player base waiting for Phase 4 of Season of Discovery to be released. One of the lead developers recently started sharing more information about the upcoming phase as well provide small hints and insight as to what players can expect in the final phase. 

Even though Season of Discovery was met with very positive feedback from the WoW community in its first phase, it seems the hype started to die down with each passing phase due to rushed or untested in-game content, forcing players to either exploit the game early to get an advantage or overall boycott the seasonal mode. 

With that in mind, we will take a look at one of the most controversial topics that recently plagued Season of Discovery, namely, Nightmare Incursions. 



Will WoW SoD Phase 4 Have New Nightmare Incursions?

WoW SoD Phase 4 Possible Nightmare Incursions

As per recent posts by Josh Greenfield, one of the lead developers behind Season of Discovery, there will be no new Incursions in Phase 4. 

Not commenting on those items themselves but I’ll say it’s nothing to do with incursions. There is no “new” incursions.

-@AggrendWoW on X

He additionally said also that there is more information to come regarding Phase 4, however, he assured players that the Nightmare Incursions model they used in Phase 3 will not be in Phase 4.

We’ll have more info on this soon but incursion loops as they exist now will not be a thing.

-@AggrendWoW on X

This is great news as the player base quickly became opposed to the idea of introducing Nightmare Incursions in the first place.



The Problem With Nightmare Incursions in WoW SoD

WoW SoD Nightmare Incursions

There were so many posts about the Nightmare Incursion Events when they were introduced in Phase 3 of Season of Discovery. Much of the World of Warcraft Classic community quickly shunned Blizzard for adding this new method of gaining XP and Gold. Not only did the incursions take away from the open-world experience, but it prompted players to effectively abuse the system on release, causing major inflation to the in-game Gold economy. 

A hotfix was deployed several hours after the incident, however, many players were able to exploit the untested system, netting hundreds of gold to help them prepare for the endgame content and get a massive headstart on other players who were unable to play on launch day. 

The player base was once again frustrated by the age-old "Exploit early, exploit often" mantra that has been plaguing the WoW community, causing people to unsubscribe out of anger due to the inability of Blizzard to effectively test out new features.

With all of this in mind, it is logical to see why the devs will shy away from adding new Incursions to Season of Discovery Phase 4, so hopefully players will able to have fun without resorting to outright exploiting the game for easy rewards. Hopefully, the dev team is able to redeem itself with the final phase of Season of Discovery.
